Humans Frame
This consists of 24 mannequin like characters that I drew, on one image.

all files i have used
The Hud is what will be shown when in the game, which could be health, map or a timer.
Health bar
What I have done is the main characters health bar, so here is the assets that I might be using for the health bar before starting a complete version.
What I did is lower the health Buzz has, the more stressed he gets.
i got this from kingdom hearts as in that game the health bar also has the main character on it most simaler to the health bar in kingdom hearts 2 but other than that the health bar i am using is set differently with a health point instead of a helath bar
kingdom hearts 2 health bar hud

Full health

got hurt

half health

Low health

health point

Lost Health Point
I made the health point as an apple, that's buzz favourite food.
The lower the health Buzz has, the more stressed he is the examples of this are below.

With armour equipped the health bar extends with more apples to the maximum of 12

the icon is also going to change depending what armor you are using
this shows the level 4 armor which is the shadow set

Shadow essence amount

Character Models
This is Buzz and Rosey models I have made on blender.

There is only a few changes between the two models;
Rosey's body is a little bigger.
Rosey has a stinger.
Rosey has adjusted wings compared to buzz.
Rosey has slightly smaller antennas.

Buzz ver 2

i disided to update buzz's model as the frist it was the frist try i did a character model and it needed improvements of which are listed below
+ top half of body was cut in half to make it more accurate to the ogranal drawing
+ adjustment to the head model
+ fixed glitched wing which had broken texures in substance paniter
+ removed duplicate arm piece so save on resources

Rosey with dress

This image is a lot more like the prototype image.
+ added lines on the wings
+ adjusted wings colour
+ improved the face to make it more accuate to the original drawing
Queen Belle

Queen Belle is the only character model that has a significant size difference from every other character model which is 2.25 times bigger than every other character model that I have made.

Lens with lab coat

Beehive workers

Shadow Ven
Shadow Violet

There is changes between the two models;
Violet's has ribbons for antennas.
Violet's has smaller arms.
Violet's body is a little smaller.
Ven has adjusted wings.
Ven's feet are bigger.
Violet has a stinger.
These two characters have different weapons on there back,
Ven has a sword,
Violet has a magic staff.
Walking Animation

The animation was using a character set on the animation timeline in Maya.
I moved the rig one bit at a time and then keyframed it on the timeline. I used skinweights, the skeleton tool, and IK handles to rig my character.
Walking Animation In Unreal

This is the animation used in unreal engine, I imported the mesh and the animation separately, as FBX files exported from Maya.

These are concept art of different items that are going in the game.
I first used a mobile app called Autodesk sketch to design this sketch and then I modelled in blender (pictures above)
I was going to model in blender and then texture in substance painter.
These assets were just test objects that I experimented with in substance painter, I have only models some of these though.
apple healing item

this model will be used for healing buzz by 1 health point
this object will spin slowly
apple basket healing item

this model will fully heal buzz completely when got
Scenery Objects
These decorations would different types of objects like flowers and leaves being like real life objects for things such as lights, bridges and more.
Flower Clock

This is clock made to look like a Daffodil, this might be used for something in the house or outside as a town clock.

These pictures are used for refences for my flower clock.


Leaves bridge
Version 1

This was the first section
of the leaf bridge.
This leaf on the right was the first thing I modelled. and then I used that to make the first section of the bridge.

Version 2

I added the branches in this version of a bridge to make it look more like one you would see on highways in the real world.
eg. Golden Gate Bridge.
Low poly version painted

I made it low poly as the old model would put strain on weaker CPU and GPUs computers, due to the amount of polygons the model had. Optimizing this is important when you ensure the game runs well for different hardware.

These are the refences of the branches I used for the models.
Stalk Walls

These I will be using to block areas the player should not reach, as I felt they were better than the invisible walls used by other games.

Stems with a tunnel

This model is mostly the same as the stalks wall model
but with gap that is like a pathway.
the pathway leads to a secret entrance of the beehive castle.

Branch Gate

The branches had to be changed because some were going inside out when I used the exclude tool.

This is the gate to go out of leafyville
Sunflower lamppost

These are all around Leafyville,
lighting up the place when it is night time. Allowing me to have lighting in the game that fit the theme.

When it's off

When it's on
When importing the object to painter I had to change the stalk into a more blocky one as cinlyeder was not importing correctly.
Flower Stool

These flower stools are used for the seating for the watermelon stage


This river will separate the Beehive Castle and the rest of the Leafyville,
this is used for protection for the castle.
The texture for this needs to be a moving texture so substance painter will not work for this.
I will probably add the moving texture in unreal engine.

Places at leafyville
I used different pieces of fruit for a certain place so each area has a distinct colour change, and each place has a unique theme people easily know which place is what.
Orange Labatory

Lens's house/Lab

This house was created based on designs of laboratory's from Ape escape.
Version 2

Version 2 Painted

Version 3

Improved the windows
Added chimney
Improved the door
and smoothed more elements

Orange lab interior
full room view

chalk board with chalk

alcamy table

swords, and staffs

there are also armor at the top now
Apple Treehouse
The home of Buzz
Version 1

An apple being held up by a tree was the concept of this model.

Reference for apple house
Version 2
+ made the branch much more detailed
? adjusted the steps so they go down and give support

The reason I chose the to make the apple green instead of red, is because the strawberry house was already red, so I changed this to green to make the two houses not conflict with each other.
Apple interior
bean bags with tv and cloth hangers

cotton wool bed with a bug alarm clock

birds eye view

birds eye view

Strawberry Home

Refance for Strawberry house
Version 2

Roseys old home
+ added seeds
+ changed stem to ribbon
+ added window
this image was used for the ribbon, the ribbon was added to make the house more like Rosey's.
Version 3

+ Added more seeds
- removed glitchy block inside which caused UV unwrapping to crash blender.
Version 3 painted

strawberry interior
birds eye view

flower bed with flower clock and flower picture frames

flower tv

flower bean bag, rose pots makeup flower changing room

Watermelon Stage
This was used a lot when popular bugs come on and sing but nowadays this is barely used.

Watermelon Stage ver 2

Watermelon Stage ver 2 Texured

I wanted to update this model because I have gotten much better with substance painter and blender so I can put my new skills to the test

Beehive Castle

The main castle where the Queen and Princess lives.
The model might be the one I am most proud.
Coloured ver 1

Coloured ver 2

The only real change from ver 1 to ver 2 is adjusting the colour of the beehive from yellow to orange-yellow as it fit more with beehives.
Smart UV has had glitching due to overlapping when the process is automated, but the manual method is too time consuming to be a viable option for the project.
After realizing the visual artefacts were caused by UV clashing and not the auto mated system I quickly fixed up the model as well as improving the bee hive castle hugely here is version 3 of the model.
Coloured ver 3

beehive castle main hall interior
birds eye view

the three thrones

Queen's throne

Unused princes throne

rosey's throne

entrance/exit door

back window


Area screen shots

Watermelon Stage
Starwberry House

Apple Treehouse
Beehive Castle

Orange Lab