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I felt during this project there was a massive improvement over the last project 

as I felt I knew what I was doing, and not stressing anywhere near as much as to what I had been before. This project was much less ambitious than the last one, even if I love to be ambitious this would make it completely painful to work on especially on my own, for which happen a bit with project 1.


I wanted to see what I could do with the miniature theme which has given me unique ideas, with the places being made with fruits and plants to give distinction to each area.

I was on something that I enjoyed more personally, and I've had a lot of ideas for the concept of Little World: Curse of the Shadow Bugs as I love to draw these types of creatures though currently have not done any progress on the game in unreal engine but I really didn't have time for that as it would made be get stressed with time management.

I also started using substance painter to texture my models I did good on the model with only started to use substance painter with my favourite being the leaf bright.

leaf brighe.PNG

The only real part I didn't like was the rigging as it was very broken and it often crashed on me which made me mad, I did only get one rig done for walking for Buzz but I didn't do any more as it would of taken too long.

The reason I chose sonic the hedgehog as my main theme as it was my favourite franchise of all time and my drawing might assisted with the art style. 

A gannet chart would help me a lot in time management as I am not too good at it on my projects.  

Evaluation after a few months

After finishing project 3 I decided to finish project 2 with the enhanced knowledge of applications with Blender.

After lot of additions from last couple of months, this has the most models and sketches of any project I have done. Though this project might not reach the Unreal Engine as the models tank the frame rate, and I need to spend more time working on optimising my assets.

The game I am making seems to have a lot more detail now, which is what I didn't do last year in this course.

The new things I have done are shown below:

Updated the tittle card to be more unique


Added character sketches


Textured character models


Making the interiors of buildings.

apple interior 3.PNG

Improving older models

new beehive.PNG

Adding hud elements

heath hud.png

I even modelled the entire town of Leafyville by grouping most of my models together


This is one of my favourite projects to work on as I made so many ideas that don't seem to demanding of me and making the models where also very fun to make.

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