My idea was to remaster/remake one of the Sonic games, as the games in the series has been inconsistent in their quality, and I feel I can fix the problems that bad/flawed sonic games like Sonic 06, and Sonic Heroes have.
For a Sonic game that is great I would personally want to remaster them as I don't want to take the charm away from the original.
A port would not be a good idea because if the game have aged badly so just porting it would make it worse for critics
A remaster is using the orginal source code of the game and giving it a new coat of paint eg. resolution, frame rate and maybe adding quality of life changes too.
For example The Legend of Zelda WindWaker HD.
For a Sonic game that is bad/flawed I would want to remake it so the bad problems/elements of the game can be fixed or completely changed.
I don't really want ports of these games as they deserve a second chance to be remade.
A remake is building the game from the ground up but still using the original game as a base. A remake normally includes a brand new engine, more content than the original game, some changes to old mechanics to make them more relevant for the present (for example Final Fantasy VII remake, Resident Evil 2+3 ps4).
A port is basically the game on newer hardware the game might have a better resolution, but the game is more or less the same from the original games
this is done because new players probably never played the old games so it is good to put old games on new consoles.
For example Nintendo's virtual console, or PlayStation Classics released on PSN.
What is a Remake/Remaster/Port?
There is a lot of confusion between what is a remake port, and remaster is, so I will explain what I think qualifies for a remaster remake or port:
What game will I try to remake/remaster
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure is a game which was launched in Japan in 1998 and worldwide in 1999.
This game is my childhood but I aim to be critical about it.
It was the first 3D Sonic game ever made, but as it was made 22 years ago and the game has not aged the greatest, for example, some textures are quite outdated, NPCs are low poly and automated sections can break if done improperly eg. loop de loops running away from whale section (though this was made worse in the GameCube remaster).
This game changed many things about the Sonic franchise such as redesigning most of the Sonic characters for this game giving the cast voices, having a bigger emphasis on the story and being the first ever fully 3d Sonic game, though this was the first time Sega ever did something like this for the Sonic games so the game has aged badly because of horrendously bad voice acting, inconsistent end game levels, the adventure fields are hard to know where you are going.
The game would need a remake but with a few unchanged elements like most of the physics.
The game I will be my base for an upgrade is Sonic Adventure as it was the first 3d Sonic game and my childhood.
The versions of Sonic Adventure
There was a remaster of the game on the GameCube called Sonic Adventure DX in 2003 which did improve the game, but there were times that the game was worse than the original.
Here are some pros and cons between the Dreamcast and GameCube remaster
+- natural
+ pro
- con
+- Fps boost from 30 to 60 but frame rate is unstable.
+- VMU support was changed to Game Boy Advance support.
+- chao garden was changed to now include a shop to use your rings you collected like Sonic adventure 2 battle.
+ Main character models got updated.
+ Mission mode was added for more replay value.
+ Emblems give you awards when collected enough with game gear games and a metal Sonic skin.
+ Free camera option added.
+ Map of the hub you are in added.
+ You can skip cutscenes.
- Animation don't seem be adjusted.
- Automated sections are way more buggy.
- Some textures were worse on the GameCube version.
- Not all character models were updated.
- Some models that were updated looked worse eg. Super Sonic.
-Lighting was weaker than the original game.
- The game was not widescreen.
- Colours look more washed out.
- online events were removed.
If I am going to make a remaster of this game would need to make it as true to the original as possible as well as adding the good features that were in the GameCube version and improving upon them.
+ Frame rate was a perfect 60 fps.
+ Now runs in 1080p resolution.
- No game gear games?!
- The game was still not widescreen.
- Mission mode and Metal Sonic skin was downloadable content which cost real money.
- no Game Boy Advance support.
There was also port on the xbox 360 and ps3 consoles in 2010 but it is just the gc versions but worse.
Here are some pros and con between the Gamecube and psn/xbla Port
+ pro
- con
The rest of the positives/negatives that in the gc version I didn't say are still in this version.
there was also a steam (PC) release of the game but there are even less improvements than the xbla/psn version there is only 2 changes I've noteised
+ mission mode and metal sonic skin available without paying extra
- The game was still not widescreen.
All videos recorded were recorded by me using elgato game capture hd s but there will be audio glitches as my computer was not strong enough to record the game well (all videos are from the xbox 360 version of the game).
Sonic Adventure was slipped into 6 (7) story's and I will summarize each of them.

Sonic story:
Probably my favourite of the story's the levels, it is fast paced and very fun to speed past the levels, with tons of secrets to find and they sometimes it change it up with Chasionoopolis and Twinkle Park not all levels are good though like Lost World, and Sky Deck.
Tails story:
My second favourite story where you race Sonic (Eggman in the last level) because you can fly and you can take shortcuts that Sonic would never take. It helps vary the games mechanics, though these segments are seen as being quite easy.
Knuckles story:
These levels consist of grabbing the 3 master emerald shards in levels to win, there is a red spirit that gives you the location of one of the emeralds, and there is a radar to tell you how close you are to the emeralds these level are great, albeit a bit easy.
Amy's story
These levels are much more slow paced and a little bit more puzzle based, but for 80% of the time you are always being chased by a robot while you are doing the level so it keeps you on your toes. It has the longest level in the game which can last 5-8 mins, I am fine with these.
I would make Amy run a little faster and have more levels because there was only 3.
E-102(gamma) story
These levels consist of quickly going though levels and locking on bunches of enemies to get time added to the clock, though the clock is very generous with the exception of the final level
and the bosses, except for the last one are unbalanced in their difficulty.
The bosses beside the last one need to be harder, and the timer might need to be more strict on the levels, like 2 mins instead of 3 mins to start with.
A certain enemy in Windy Valley gives you too much time back as it has 10 lockable targets, I would change that even if you locked on all parts of the enemy it would still count as 1 combo.
Big's story
This is my least favourite story as it is one the slowest levels in the game, as it is just a fishing game. If you check the tutorial of this mode this is definitely the easiest part of the game, however due to its unintuitive gameplay, you may feel out of your element if you do skip the tutorial.
Having to pull down on the analogue stick must be shown to the player and not just in the tutorial guide.
Honestly there is no need of this mode being required to be beaten to unlock the final story.
Besides Froggy, Big has no real part in the games story,
Super Sonic story
You unlock this after all charters story's. This is just a 30 mins cutscenes, and moving around the hubs with a final boss at the end, nothing to say here.
The Chao Garden
This area is skippable in the main game and is not needed for beating the story, but was needed if you want to beat the game 100%, this was to take care of Chao and let them participate in Chao races.
You needed to give the Chao fruit for stamina, and animals of the other stats. These are power, speed, fly, and swimming. You get the animals for destroying Badniks in levels as they will come out of the enemy. The fruits were on the trees in the Chaos Garden.
Personally this area is not the greatest, during the Chao race, for example, sometimes the camera does not follow your Chao, and if you give too many animals to the same Chao It can make it tired, which means the chao would do worse in races. What you have to do to fix it is to play a bunch of levels while not giving the tired Chao anything then it should feel better.
Most of these problems were fixed in Sonic Adventure 2, as a tired Chao does not effect racing anywhere near as much as the first game, and the camera stays locked on your Chao at all times.

Sonic's First stage gameplay

Tails's First stage gameplay

Kunckles's First stage gameplay

Amy's First stage gameplay

e-102 (gamma) First stage gameplay

The e-102 (gamma) unbalaned boss diffculty

Big's First stage gameplay
The music of Sonic Adventure I might want slightly update the soundtrack to be a bit newer but to still capture the magic of the original game.
The game that had a slightly upaded soundtrack was the legend of Zelda the wind waker hd as the music sounded the same but had updated insterments so they feel new.
Here are some of a few standout tracks
Speed Highway
Red Moutain
Twinkle Park
Windy Valley
Final Egg
The songs are upbeat and catchy for me and fit the theme of the area.
Has the game aged well over time
The reviews of the game were really positive for the game at the launch, and it was the first 3d sonic game.

But when the DX port of the game came out, 4 years later with small improvements people, started to notice the problems with the game that wasn't fixed and were much harsher.

It got worse with the xbox 360/ ps3 port of the game with it basically being the DX port but with no game gear games, and no wide screen, even in 2010
(also mission mode are paid dlc)so they were even more harsh on it.

This what I will be trying to fix, as the game as it aged badly. Though with fans this game has a cult following.
So there are problems with saying about the camera being really bad even with free camera option.
Review quotes
Sonic adventure (DC)
''What I'm left with is a game that, despite how much it tries to make me hate it, I simply cannot help but love.''
IGN, 1999.
''But at the same time, after dying in the mirror room in Lost World a good 7-8 times, I was ready to kill someone, ''
IGN, 1999.
''First off, there's no denying that this is, without a doubt, the most impressive display of graphical prowess the genre has ever seen from nearly every angle imaginable. Be it texture quality, special effects, level design, or even just the overall appeal of the characters,''
IGN, 1999.
Sonic adventure DX (GC)
''I breezed through Sonic Adventure when it was released on Dreamcast years ago and found it to be a fairly enjoyable title. But it doesn't stand the test of time.''
IGN, 2003.
''These faults speak nothing of DX's disorienting, dizzying camera system, which is perhaps one of the worst in a 3D videogame. ''
IGN, 2003.
''Exploration in Sonic Adventure is a chore and just about any level that puts emphasis on it in the game is a failure. This, because there are so many limitations that hinder the levels that aren't noticed when Sonic is speeding through a loop and bouncing off walls.''
IGN, 2003.
Sonic adventure (XBLA & PSN)
''The sections that move the fastest, that work most, that are even slightly interesting, require the least input from the player. In fact, in many of these sections, input from the player will result in death or catastrophe,''
IGN, 2010.
''Sonic Adventure has an overworld - or an Adventure World, rather - that features some mild platforming and pronounced frustration.'
IGN, 2010.
''They're entirely reliant on paying depressingly close attention to Sonic Adventure's painful cutscenes and dialogue for esoteric clues as to your next destination. You'll be just as likely to stumble on the next nonsense "key" to the Adventure area that holds your next Action stage.''
IGN, 2010.
they said about adventuring the hubs being very tedious and when going too the next level of a story there is very little sense of direction to go to the next level
Fixing Aged Sections
Lost World Level (Sonic story)
''Take for instance the Lost World level. There are several sections that require you to flat out walk in order to make it through alive.'' IGN 1999.
This level is infamous for being the least favourite level in Sonics story, it is called Lost World which denied you from going fast in the level, as there were loads of sectors that forced you stand still with the water snake sections areas, the rubber-banding was insane with the running away from the bolder section, as spin-dashing here would make the bolder go so fast that it is impossible to not get hit by it.
An area which forces you to be slow is mirror room, and the only instance where you need to light speed dash over a ring trail which means the magnet shield overside can easily break your perfect run.
This level I would change it drastically where these slow segments are removed (water-snake, mirror section) as these really don't fit this kind of sonic stage areas. the level needs to be more open as it seems cramped to move around the level, and is a little too long as it is the second longest level in the game.
Sky Deck (Sonic Story)
This level is one that has had people complaining about, with the over abundance of bottomless pits and loads of narrow walkways. I do not have many problems with this myself, but I can see that the transitions as they are abrupt, and didn't make too much sense to what the player is required to do, so I want to give them more reason of the transitions and why they happened. If shadows were added to the player then this would be a much more bearable stage with the platforming and I would make the first section pathways more wide.
Big - The Cat Story
This is deemed massive pace breaker to most people as it is very slow if you don't know what you are doing, you do the same thing every time for level of Bigs story of which you just need to catch Froggy in a fishing game. For some reason they tried to make a level before you get to where Froggy is the last level but is horrible as Big can barely attack and is really short.
Big is the slowest character in the game which doesn't help.
The boss of Bigs story is just another game of fish.
The changes I would make is to make Big run much faster, have a more reliable attack, adjust the upgrades to make fishing more interesting, the game to tell you which button to press when the fish is biting which can be removed and make this not necessary to unlock the final story.
Design of Characters
As the sonic series has done changes of the characters multiples times like Sonic, Hue of Blue used or Tails colour.
I would make the characters based on the the original Sonic adventure(DC) and update them to more high poly.

Adventure Field
The adventure fields were a cool concept, but they were poorly executed, as they gave very bad direction, where you needed to go after each stage. For example after playing Chasinopolis you need to take an ice key from station square, all the way to mystic ruin to access the next level of the game only to show you that the ice key has spawned and nothing else. You would have to go to mystic ruins so a tunnel is revelled behind the mountains, so you can put ice key in side. The cutscene before never tells you that you need to go to mystic ruins. This would be very hard for a person to find this out on their own. They're the red spirits that tell you where to go but they are ignored by players.
If I want to improve the adventure field it would be great if there was a mini-map and a arrow to follow where you need to go as this would make it less confusing, although I still want to make this an optional upgrades to be invisible to the mini-map so people would still need to find them.
The cutscenes have aged really, really badly, with loads of issues with dramatic scenes failing badly with this one. All cutscenes need to be revamped with new animations, and music that actually fades out , with there not being silence half the time. I would make the cutscene shorter so there are a lot of empty gaps of awkward silence. The lip movements are terrifying in the game, so I would make them like they are in Sonic Heroes as they perfected the lip movements in the game.
It was their first time Sega has made a story for Sonic and they have grown much better overtime especially with their next game Sonic Adventure 2 even with the issues.
Camera Control
The camera is also one of parts that have aged horribly as it can get stuck in loads of places and you could only control the camera with the dpad (because the dreamcast controller had only one analog stick), when you were standing still and it was in a first person view which barely helped it was was not fixed but they did add free camera which is inverted (left=right)(right=left) and was even more broken than auto camera as it got stuck way more frequently entering a new area reverted back to auto camera so you have to reactivate it. I would have options to allow free cam and inverted free cam and for it to not revert back to auto cam after loading into a new area. There be a reset camera option which could be but on the controller bumper trigger (LB, L1,L), the camera should be made smarter so the camera can get out of tricky areas.
Control Scheme
The controls were panned by critics and even if I don't have too much gripe with them, I do still have problems as the game has a massive case with some button simdome as the game only uses the analogue stick the X button and the A button which causes problems. The problems is causes include: Knuckles wield digging control as you need to press X and A at the same time to dig which made things unnecessarily complicated, Amy's hammer jump being mapped on the same button as the hammer attack which can be really annoying as the hammer jump is used if Amy is running at full speed and Sonic painfully slow light speed attack. The B + Y button should be used more as B can be used for Sonics light speed dash, for Knuckles dig and a alternate button for hammer jump for Amy because there are people that just want to play the game with the original style of control. I would add an optional for that and allow to map buttons on any part of the controller for accessibility.
The physics are quite bad in the game, but was made way worse in the gamecube as it was modified for some reason, in a way that can clip you through automated sections when you stop, bosses have bad collision like the egg viper boss fight, so the physics need a rework in the remaster as all models will be updated.
But other than that I want the physics to be unchanged as tricks like the spin dash jump on slopes make sonic adventure what it is in my opinion.

After beating the the C rank level in adventure mode you can play level in trial mode to try and challenge B challenge and A challenge for each level. Most of them didn't seem unique especially for b rank.
Old B rank challenges
B rank: Sonic/Tails/Amy/e-102 = get 50 rings and reach the goal
Knuckles: no hints from spirits allowed
Big: catch a 1kg fish then catch Froggy
Old A rank challenges
A rank: Sonic/Amy/Knuckles = reach goal in curtain amount of time
tails = beat the harder AI
e-102 = have a curtain amount of time left over
big = catch a 2 kg fish and catch Froggy
Some of these requirements I want to be changed so they are less annoying/ harder.
B rank changes
Sonic/Tails/Amy = get a curtain amount of rings to win
e-102 = get a great combo to win
Knuckles doesn't need to be changed besides removing the spirits in the challenge
big =catch the sliver fish (medium difficulty catch)
A rank changes
Sonic/Amy/Knunckles be the same maybe make the time limit a little stricter
Tails = opponent will be harder and will not slow down when they are ahead
e-102 = unchanged
big = catch a golden fish (Hard difficulty catch)
What I want to add is a new S rank which is the hardest of the challenges.
S rank
Sonic = No checkpoints challenge with harder level
Tails = no shortcuts and hardest CPU
Knuckles = broken radar (can only track one emald at a time) in time limit
Amy = No checkpoints harder level
e-102 = you can't gain time at all from combos only with timer capsules with harder level
big = catch a diamond fish (Ultra Hard difficulty catch)
If I add this then the total amount of emblems will be 162 not a great number
10 5 5 3 4 5 = 32 more emblems.
Tornado Sections
These sections are a on rails shooter which does over stay its welcome as you have to do these 4 times (2 for sonic and 2 for tails) and they last 5 minutes long
the tornado has two weapons the mingsine gun (mash X) and homing missiles (Hold X) though the mingsine gun is completely worthless as the homing missile locks on to enimes very fast, they are very powerful and you never run out of ammo of them.
This might need to be changed completely and the Tails tornado sections should be cut completely as they are unneeded.
The difficulty should be a little harder on normal enemies but the turrets should be easier to blow up.
This is here as more and more gamers are getting into video games (including less able people) so this is here to add opinions to help people that might need help in a video game.
Assist mode i will be calling it:
Lives system can be adjusted to be infinite so you never have to start a level from the beginning.
When hit you can adjust how many rings you drop from all 1/2 1/4 and none.
You can make pits will teleport you back to your last landing spot.
The main progression of the game if you beat a level with a character you have never done with you get a emblem, sub games(minigames) get you this too (besides twinkle circuit) if you get them all you have technically 100%ed the game.
There are 130 emblems in all versions of the game (dc,gc,xbla,psn,pc)
96 in actions stages (32 levels x 3)(C/B/A ranks)
12 in adventure fields
10 in sub games
5 in chao garden
7 for story endings
As I will be adding a new s rank difficulty that will add 32 new emblems and cutting the need to do sky chase levels with tails which will lose two emblems we would have a total of 160 emblems in the remaster (this might change).
128 in actions stages(32 levels x 4)(C/B/A/S ranks)(+32)
12 in adventure fields
8 in sub games(-2)
5 in chao garden
7 for story endings
Emblems Rewards
In the dreamcast version you don't get anything for collecting emblems even if you get all of them
In the GameCube version you got a game gear game for every 20 emblems you get (10 after you reach 100) when you got all 130 of them you got metal sonic to use in trial mode it is just a skin of sonic though.... and even plays the same stages sonic does with no differences..
I want to make the 100% reward more worthwhile with metal sonic having a brand new moveset and has altered stages from sonic as a bonus.
The upgrades are scattered around adventure field (with one of them in a stage) for the main characters to get.
Old game Upgrades
Sonic has 3 (1 optional)
I. Light-Speed Shoes - allows Light speed dash to be used (hold X)
II. Ancient Light - Light speed dash can be used to defeat enemies (use near enemies)
(III.) crystal ring - shortens charge speed time
Tails has 2 (1 optional)
I. Rhythm Badge - can now hold attack button to do tail attack infinitely (hold X while standing/walking)*
(II.) jet anklet - flying speed has increased
the rhythm badge is at an odd location as it is in the past of angel island and because you only go there once in the entirety of tails story you are forced to get as you can't go back to this area even after beaten the story
Knuckles has 2 (1 optional)
I. Shovel claws - you can now dig dirt areas (A&X at same time)
(II.) Fighting gloves - can use maximum heat attack (hold X) [only useful in chaos 6 boss fight]
Amy has 2 (1 optional*)
I. warrior feather - can do hammer spin attack (hold X & spin joystick)
(II.) Long hammer - hammer attacks have more range
both are opional and not needed to progress through the story but one is forsed on you as you need to beat a minigame to posed and will give you a upgrade as well as allowing you to progress
Big has 6 (5 optional)
I. life belt - you can float on water surfaces
(II.) Power rod - range of line on rod increases
(III.) red lure - lures heavier fish in stages (tier I*)
(IV.) bronze lure - lures heavier fish in stages (tier II*)
(V.) sliver lure - lures heavier fish in stages (tier III*)
(VI.) gold lure - lures heavier fish in stages (tier IV*)
* these upgrades can be gotten in any order but will always go in order from tier I to tier IV
e-102(g) has 2 (1 optional)
I. jet booster - allows you to hover in the air for a short amount of time (hold A)
(II.) laser blaster - blaster shots have a a.o.e** effect now.
I would make some adjustments/change the upgrades to make them useful and more convenient.
red: changed blue = new
Remaster Upgrade changes
Sonic Upgrades (2 optional) ((1 post-game))
I. Light-Speed Shoes - allows Light speed dash to be used (B)
(II.) Ancient Light - can now use light speed attack to defeat enemies and is more acreacte (Hold X)
(III.) Mach ring - allows for a second speed mode which is faster but more uncontrollable you can toggle (Y)
((IV.)) Super sonic - you can transform into super sonic on any sonic stage if you have 50 rings (Y in air)
Tails Upgrades (2 optional)
(I.) Rhythm Badge - can now hold attack button to do tail attack infinitely (hold X while standing/walking)
(II.) jet anklet - flying speed has increased
the location of the rhythm badge has been moved into a returnable area and is entirely opional
Knuckles Upgrades (1 optional)
I. Shovel claws - you can now dig dirt areas (X in air B in on ground)
(II.) smash gloves - can smash fist into the ground which causes all close enemies to be destroyed and other enemies to be stunned (hold X on ground)
Amy Upgrades (2 optional*)
(I.) warrior feather - can do hammer spin attack and can move while doing it (hold B and move with left stick)
(II.) Power hammer - hammer attacks have much more range and have bigger a.o.e effect
the minigame where you get the warrior feather is skippable now and not necessary to progress
Big Upgrades (5 optional)
I. life belt - you can float on water surfaces
(II.) long line - range of line on rod increases by 100%
(III.) Iron line - powers tension gauge by 50% (tier I*)
(IV.) steel rod - Pulling power increases by 50% (tier II*)
(V.) platinum line - Powers tension gauge by 50%(tier III*)
(VI.) gold lure + platinum rod - Pulling Power increases by 50% and can stun fish much easier (tier IV*)
* these upgrades can be gotten in any order but will always go in order from tier I to tier IV
E-102(g) Upgrades (1 optional)
I. jet booster - allows you to hover in the air for a short amount of time (hold A)
(II.) laser blaster - blaster shots have a a.o.e** effect now and go quicker
** area of effect
What console would suit best?
As for power it would be only for PS5, series X as loading times would be incredibly fast and the specs can make areas look beautiful without having many setbacks (30fps lower resolution)
But for audience it would fit with the Nintendo switch as the portable nature of the console made the console more to casual audiences but it would mean there will be setbacks as the console is massively weaker than the PS5,series X.
as sonic games were usily on nintendo consoles after the failure of segas last console the dreamcast i would say that the nintendo switch would be a better choice as sonic games are more family freindly so ps5/Series X would not be great choice as they cater more hardcore audinces
CPU: Four ARM Cortex A57 cores (theoretical max 2GHz)
GPU: 256 CUDA cores (theoretical max 1GHz)
Memory: 4GB
CPU: 8 cores / 16 threads @ up to 3.5 GHz with SMT
GPU:36 CUs @ up to 2.23 GHz (10.28 teraflops)
Memory: 16 GB GDDR6 / 256-bit bus
Series X
CPU: 8 cores @ 3.8 GHz (16 threads @ 3.6 GHz with SMT)
GPU: 52 CUs @ 1.825 GHz (12.155 teraflops)
Memory: 16 GB GDDR6 / 320-bit bus
PS5 and Xbox Series X hardware specs: comparing CPU, GPU, SSD - Polygon
Nintendo Switch uses Nvidia Tegra X1 SoC, clock speeds outed | Ars Technica
Level total
There are a total of 11 levels with each being played a total of 3 times with all characters with the exception of lost world. here is the order of each character level they go through:
1. Emerald coast
2. Windy valley
3. Casinopolis
4. Ice cap
5. Twinkle park
6. Speed highway
7. Red mountain
8. Sky deck
9. Lost world
10. Final egg
1. Windy valley
2. Casinopolis
3. Ice cap
4. Sky deck
5. Speed highway
1. Speed highway
2. Casinopolis
3. Red mountain
4. Lost world
5. Sky deck
1. Twinkle park
2. Hot shelter
3. final egg
1. Twinkle park
2. Icecap
3. Emerald coast
4. Hot shelter
1. Final egg
2. Emerald coast
3. Windy valley
4. Red mountain
5. Hot shelter
Sonics story is difenly the longest story and has a good length of 3-4 hours
but everyone's else's story's are to short which is 1hr - 2hr espilly with big as you can beat his story in less than 30 mins
I will make a post game story to extend all of the characters amount of content
so the length of story can be like most games nowadays.
Super Sonic
There was a unused line about Tikal talking about Super Sonic and how to transform into him but was left unused in the game files as super sonic is only useable in the the final boss battle and can't be used in sonics action stages.
In the remaster I would re-put in Super Sonic in the action level as a post game upgrade which you would have to find by beating all 7 extra stages to get the chaos emalelds so you can unlock it for Sonic.
The extra levels will be
EX I: Hot shelter: Sonic
EX II: twinkle park: Knuckles
EX III: sand hill: Sonic
EX IV: emald coast: tails
EX V: twinkle circuit stage 2: any character
EX VI: Lost world: amy
EX VII: boss rush: any character
each one of these you complete will get you a chaos emaled instead of an emblem

Model of super sonic in the dreamcast version
If you have all seven chaos emaled After that you go back to Angel Island alter as Sonic to gain the ability to turn Super Sonic if you have 50 rings.
Super sonic will be much faster, be immune to everything(besides bottomless pits), enemys will be destroyed if they touch super sonic, rings will be atrted to super sonic, spin dash reaches max speed faster in charge and light speed attack charges quicker and homing attack is faster, rings drain 1 per second. when rings reach 0 super sonic will revert back to normal sonic.

Model of super sonic in all other versions
Homing attack
The homing attack that sonic uses work 99.9% of the time with the occasion of the homing attack spinning around the enemy for a while until it stops and you have to try again this only really happens in curtain areas e.g. Red mountain item box behind rocks. I might adjust areas that make this problem occur.
Light speed attack
Light speed attack is mostly unreliable as the problems from the homing attack is much more prevalent here it tries to find the best for homing attack chain and can break very easily.
Wide screen is nessery for this game as all new game relasies have a 16:9 aspect ratio after the 7th generation of consoles
ps3, xbox 360 and the Wii
but doing widescreen to a old game can cause graphical artefacts on the areas that wren supposed to be there and fmvs(full motion video) would have to be fully redone to be in widescreen. cutsences would have to be altered so if there are any assets that the was not supposed to see and can be seen in widescreen they would have to be moved more the Hud elements would have to be adjusted as well to fit with the new aspect ratio.
Other unused things
Pause menu

This menu appears when playing in a adventure field or an action stage there should be an added menu to restart the entire stage (does not cost a life) as well as retry from a check point (cost a life and can't use it you have 1 life left
as in all versions you can only retry the stage from a checkpoint and quit the level.
Small bugs that original game had
When knuckles get hit with no rings his death animation plays but he does not speak at all even though he supposed to say something in the code this was never fixed in any version of the game.
Emblems unlockable games
i want to change the unlockable game gear games to a celebration of all a bunch of sonic games as it is sonics 30th annerveriry this year (2021) from megadrive(genesis)
up to the GBA
this will be the you unlock them in
20 emblem: Sonic 1
40 emblem: Sonic 2
60 emblem: Sonic 3 + kunckles (removed mj songs)
80 emblem: Sonic CD (JP+US)
100 emblem: Sonic advance 1
120 emblem: Sonic advance 2
140 emblem: Sonic advance 3
all 160 emblem: sonic adveuntre 2 remake sneak peek
yes this might seem overkill on the free games but some of these games have never been rereleased
and latest of these games is from 2004 which is 17 years ago and all games are 2d games