All UVs of the model currently made are in this zipped folder below.
All substance painter files that i have currently made are here in the folder below.
All models currently made are in this zipped folder below.
Item Capsule
There will be things that I would change with this model. As game consoles have gotten stronger I can change the graphic inside the item capsule into a 3d model without affect the performance of the game.
Ground capsule
Air capsule

Air capsule

Ground capsule
These are scattered around all over actions stages for you to find will give powers up/rings when you open them.
There are some that will differ between the original version and my version, one of them being the rotating graphic in the original version will become a rotating 3d model.

Items In The Capsules
These are all the items you can get in the item capsules.

5 ring


10 ring

? ring


Electric shield

Speed shoes



1up for Sonic

Unused timer

These pictures were in the file I downloaded. (check link above the videos)
The capsule will have more polys to make it more smooth, for the moment the translucent layer will have to be wireframe as I don't know how to do translucent layers as of yet.
Air capsule
Ground capsule

Here is a animation that will show what the item will be like in the item capsule.

Ground Item capsule textured

Air Item capsule textured

Ground Item capsule Ver 2

Air Item capsule Ver 2

After knowing how to make transparent layers in substance painter I started to update the item capsules to have translucent layer so you can see the item within the capsule, this is probably the best job I have ever done with a texturing job I have done.
Animal Capsule

This is used to finish some some sonic/tails action stages when they press the button.

New animal capsule classic button

New animal capsule smoothed button

I think both buttons look fine but I like the smooth button a tiny bit more.
Animal Capsule Texured

This is the texture model of the animal capsule this is properly the best one I have done on the texturing.

Animal Capsule ver 2 Texured

Made the object more accurate to the oriental games model.
Button is more smooth.

Air spring
These models are shown where in actions stages for the sonic to get to higher places or they are used for an automated section.
There are 3 springs here a normal spring, a triple spring, and an air spring.

The triple spring was made using the fill tool in blender and worked out really well and probably the best model I have ever done.
Springs ver 2

These were smoothed version of the models with the inclusion of a spring on the model the spring was hard for me to make.

Normal Spring Textured

Triple Spring Textured

Air Spring Textured

Normal Spring Ver 2 Textured

Made the object more accurate to the original games model.
Added spring in replace of cylinder.
Smoothed model.
Updated textures.
Triple Spring Ver 2 Textured

Air Spring Ver 2 Textured

Dash ring

This model is placed in the action stages for Tails to use for shortcut that Sonic would never take as tails can fly.

Dash ring ver 2

Only changed the first pair of arrows.

Dash ring ver 2 texured

Dash Ring Ver 3 Textured

Updated textures.
Dash Panel

These models are played in the action stages to give sonic/tails a burst of speed.

Dash Panel Textured

Dash Panel ver 2 Textured

Updated textures
Spike Ball

This would hurt Sonic if he touches it.

Spike Ball Textured

Collectable Emblem

This model would be for the emblems that are collected in the adventure field. these are hidden around the 3 adventure fields.

Emblem Textured