Box Art for Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure (DC)

Sonic Adventure DX (GC)

Sonic Adventure (XBLA/PSN)

Ideas for title of Sonic Adventure remaster
Some remasters are called [Game] remastered some are called [Game] HD but some games are just giving same name as the older version which just causes confusion.
What problems are necessary to show?
When I am checking a game of its problems I usually play the game to check what problems effect me that much and if it should be necessary to list about that problem on the website.
I would also check on review websites to check what people had problems with the game to see what I should change with this remake.
Mood board of models I want to remake
These are models that I am thinking remaking in blender, not all of might become a model though.

There have been a lot of changes to objects in the newer sonic games.
I will be showing models of three sonic games that span between 12 years to show the changes in the models with some being minor and some being major changes.
Spring Concept
Since Sonic Adventure came out the spring that was massively redesigned from the classic sonic games has had some slight changes game to game in the modern era.

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)

Sonic Heroes (2003)

Sonic Colours (2010)
What I am going to do for this Sonic Adventure remake is to make it like the original game as much as possible.
Normal spring Sketch

Triple Spring Concept

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)

Sonic Heroes (2003)
Sonic Colours (2010)
Triple spring Sketch

Item Capsule Concept

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)

Sonic Riders (2006)
Item Capsules Sketches

Animal Capsule Concept

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)
There is an animal capsule in Sonic Lost World but there is no current render on the models resource website just yet.
Animal Capsule Sketch

Dash Panel Concept

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)

Sonic Heroes (2003)

Sonic Colours (2010)
Dash Panel Sketch

Dash Ring Concept

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)

Sonic Heroes (2003)

Sonic Colours (2010)
This model has got the most dramatic change out of all models I have listed here.
Dash Ring Sketch

Spike Ball Concept

Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)
This was the only modern Sonic game to have this object.
Spike Ball Sketch

Emblem Concept
Sonic Adventure (1998-1999)
This model was only in the adventure field so is probably the reason why it is so low poly.

Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)

Sonic Heroes (2003)
Emblem Sketch

Sonic Colours Spring
Wii - Sonic Colors - Spring - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Colours Triple Spring
Wii - Sonic Colors - Wide Spring - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Heroes Spring
PC / Computer - Sonic Heroes - Spring - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Heroes Triple Spring
PC / Computer - Sonic Heroes - Triple Spring - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Heroes dash panel
PC / Computer - Sonic Heroes - Speeder - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Colours Dash Panel
Wii - Sonic Colors - Dash Pad - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Riders Item Capsule
PC / Computer - Sonic Riders - Item Boxes - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Heroes Dash Ring
PC / Computer - Sonic Heroes - Dash Ring - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Colours Dash Rings
Wii - Sonic Colors - Dash Rings - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Adventure 2 Emblem
GameCube - Sonic Adventure 2: Battle - Emblem - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)
Sonic Heroes Emblem
PlayStation 2 - Sonic Heroes - Emblem - The Models Resource (models-resource.com)